Engaged Research: A Discussion

1 Washington Place
New York NY, USA
Wednesday, March 13, 6:30pm8:00pm

Join us for a discussion about the ethics of research as we explore the questions of positionality and purpose that arise while conducting original research! We will discuss experiences with Gallatin’s research grants and fellowships as well as broader questions about what it means to conduct “engaged” and “ethical” research and the role of the “activist-scholar.”

This will be a student-led discussion, intended to start a dialogue around the challenges and possibilities for conducting and engaging with different types of research, especially in an interdisciplinary setting.

This event is free and open to NYU students only. There will be food provided!


New York University and Gallatin provide reasonable accommodations to people living with disabilities who wish to attend events at the School. For every event, Gallatin staff will be on hand to assist guests. Please note that the entrance at 715 Broadway is wheelchair accessible. To request accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter, assistive listening devices, or large print programs, or should you have questions regarding accessibility for an event, please contact Gallatin’s Office of Special Events by emailing events.gallatin@nyu.edu or by calling 212-992-6328. Should you need an accommodation, we ask that you send your request as early as possible so that we have time to fulfill your request.


Teach-in: Capitalism & The City

NYU Gallatin
1 Washington Place
5th Floor Student Lounge, New York , NY 10003
Wednesday, November 28, 6:30pm8:30pm