Dismantling Racial Capitalism

Thursday, December 1, 12:00pm7:00pm

Please join the Urban Democracy Lab, Center for Race, Inequality and the Law, the Action Lab, and the Initiative for Community Power at NYU Law for the Dismantling Racial Capitalism convening.

Dismantling Racial Capitalism aspires to create space to develop and sharpen our understanding of racial capitalism, how it functions, its horrific consequences, and, most importantly, how we can challenge and dismantle it. We will bring together academics, organizers, policy-makers, students and change-makers for a deeply-rooted examination of how racial capitalism drives inequality, exploitation, and destruction, and how we can catalyze change. 

The urgency of confronting this inequality, exploitation and destruction, though, often leads us to focus on important, but small and more immediately “winnable” campaigns for reform, given the significant limitations of our current power. But, fundamental change to the systems that create and sustain racial capitalism requires ambitious, long-term organizing and work to challenge the ways these systems and institutions are legitimized by the law. We will focus our attention on bridging divides between social movements and academia to, together, analyze and workshop the efforts of thinkers, organizers, and attorneys who are thinking and acting big, leading ambitious challenges to the status quo and dreaming and making a more just and equitable future.

Under the themes of housing, environmental justice and reparations, each discussion shares the following aims:

  1. Demonstrate how injustice follows from imperatives of capitalism and racial systems
  2. Highlight efforts and successful campaigns in dynamic campaign work, international examples
  3. identifying footholds to subvert and invert logic

Visit the webpage to see our featured speakers, and register to attend. Access the Dismantling Racial Capitalism Primer here.


Gianpaolo Baiocchi

NYU Gallatin

Jordan Camp

Trinity College

DaMareo Cooper

Center for Popular Democracy

Alejandra Cruz

Sustainable Economies Law Center

Marika Dias

Urban Justice Center Safety Net Project

Brooke Floyd

JXN People’s Assembly, People’s Advocacy Institute

Katherine M. Franke

Columbia Law School

Renee Hatcher

University of Illinois Chicago Law

Christina Heatherton

Trinity College

Joo-Hyun Kang

The Action Lab

Rasmia Kirmani-Frye

Hester Street

Ntanya Lee


Sateesh Nori


Safiya Omari

City of Jackson, MS

Dorian Payán

Sustainable Economies Law Center

Tara Raghuveer

KC Tenants

Missy Risser-Lovings


Nara Roberta Silva

Brooklyn Institute for Social Research

Lester Spence

Johns Hopkins

John Whitlow

CUNY School of Law

Jason D. Williamson

Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law at NYU School of Law


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