
Frontiers of Labor Organizing

Collage of labor organizers in yellow over purple background with titles frontiers of labor organizing in middle
Tuesday, November 15, 2:00pm4:00pm

Successful labor organizing in the United States expanded during the pandemic, with wins that were underscored by monumental wins in worker-led unionization and collective bargaining efforts made by workers at Amazon, Starbucks, and even here at NYU.

Join the Urban Democracy Lab for a panel discussion with leading labor organizers, including Chris Smalls (President, Amazon Labor Union), Arundathi Velamur (Organizer, NYU’s Graduate Student Union, GSOC), Judith Sloan (Gallatin Adjunct Faculty/member ACT UAW 7902), and representatives from Starbucks Workers United; Gianpaolo Baiocchi (Director, Urban Democracy Lab) will moderate.


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