What is Anti-Racism? And Why it Means Anti-Capitalism: Book event featuring Arun Kundnani
About the Book:
This scintillating intellectual and political history provides a new understanding of racism, and a better way to fight it. Liberals have been arguing for nearly a century that racism is fundamentally an individual problem of extremist beliefs. Meanwhile, anticolonial revolutionaries traced racism to the broad economic and political structures of modernity. This deeply researched and swift-moving narrative history tells the story of the two antiracisms and their fates. As neoliberalism reordered the world in the last decades of the twentieth century, the case became clear: fighting racism means striking at its capitalist roots.
Arun Kundnani is a writer based in Philadelphia. His previous books include The Muslims are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror (Verso, 2014). Kundnani has written for
the Nation, the Guardian, the Washington Post, Vice, and The Intercept. He is a former editor of the journal Race & Class and was a scholar-in-residence at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library. He is active with the Imam Jamil Action Network.
Paula Chakravartty is Associate Professor of Media Studies at the NYU Gallatin School and the Department of Media, Culture and Communication and the Co-Director of the Critical Racial Anti-Colonial Study Co-Lab.
Tejasvi Nagaraja is assistant professor of history at Cornell University in the ILR School.
Dismantling Racial Capitalism creates space to develop and sharpen our understanding of racial capitalism, how it functions, its horrific consequences, and, most importantly, how we can challenge and dismantle it. The convening will bring together academics, organizers, policy-makers, students and change-makers for a deeply-rooted examination of how racial capitalism drives inequality, exploitation, and destruction, and how we can catalyze change.
For more information on the program, speakers and sponsors visit the DRC webpage here.
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