JOIN US for a discussion between Dani Balbi– the first Brazilian trans legislator in the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly and a staunch advocate for public education, LGBT rights, valorization of the periphery, and anti-racist efforts & Denise Ferreira da Silva, a visionary scholar reshaping discussions on race, decoloniality, and global justice.
Dismantling Racial Capitalism creates space to develop and sharpen our understanding of racial capitalism, how it functions, its horrific consequences, and, most importantly, how we can challenge and dismantle it. The convening will bring together academics, organizers, policy-makers, students and change-makers for a deeply-rooted examination of how racial capitalism drives inequality, exploitation, and destruction, and how we can catalyze change.
For more information on the program, speakers and sponsors visit the DRC webpage here.
This event is sponsored by:
The Action Lab
Initiative for Community Power
The Center on Race, Inequality, & the Law
The Urban Democracy Lab
Critical Racial Anti-Colonial Co-Lab
Department of Social Cultural Analysis
Department of Spanish & Portuguese
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