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Dismantling Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore

NYU School of Law
Washington Square South
New York, NY , USA
Thursday, September 5, 5:00pm7:30pm

On behalf of the Initiative for Community Power, the Center on Race, Inequality and the Law at NYU Law, Urban Democracy Lab at NYU Gallatin, and the Action Lab we invite you to join us for a roundtable discussion with Professor Ruth Wilson Gilmore.

Ruth Wilson Gilmore is Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences, American Studies, and Africana Studies at the City University of New York Graduate Center. Co-founder of many grassroots organizations, Gilmore is author of Abolition Geography: Essays Towards Liberation (Verso), and Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California (University of California). She and Paul Gilroy edited Stuart Hall: Selected Writings on Race and Difference (Duke). Change Everything is forthcoming from Haymarket. The Antipode documentary Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore features her internationalist work. Honors include the 2020 Lannan Foundation Lifetime Cultural Freedom Prize (with Mike Davis and Angela Y. Davis) and a 2022 Marguerite Casey Freedom Scholar Prize. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.


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